Date: 2 & 3 August 2008
Venue: Bagan Lalang,Sepang
Theme: Lakar Langit
Theme: Lakar Langit
On 2nd August 2008, at 7.00am, we waited at FSPU bus stop waiting for the bus. We departed from there about 9.00am(which actually must departed at 8.00am). About 11.00am, we arrived at Bagan Lalang(specifically at our resort, but i didn't remember the name) We walked straightly to the hall because there're 2 Modul that we must attend there(which should be started at 9.00am) Therefore, our moduls had been shortened. Fisrt modul is about us make a company and a product that we want to distribute it internationally. And we were grouped into 10 per group. The 1st modul started at 11.30am until 1.30pm. We had a short break and continued the 1st modul until 2.30pm. The 2nd modul required us to make a sculpture per group based on the title; 'Mesra Insan, Ilmu dan Alam'. The presentor gave us 20 minutes to make our sculptures and coame back to the hall to present and explain our sculpture. The modul finished at 6.00pm. All the girls will sleep in the dorm of 22. While the boys had to sleep in tents outside the dorm.
Discussion - Modul 1
A group want to produce Sabun Petai.
Making a sculpture - Modul 2
At night, all boys had to pray Maghrib at the surau and have some tazkirah until Isyak. Because the size of the surau is small, so all the girls prayed in the dorm. And, the girls required to help the organizer to grill chickens for barbeque at the beach while the boys listened to tazkirah. While grilling the chickens, we had Wayang-wayang which there're a movie being shown on a screen projector at the beach. The movie we chose was Kung Fu Panda. It was so fun eating while watching movie. Unfortunately, the movie stucked at the climax, so the crew changed it to Ah Long Pte Ltd. movie. I watched the movie quarter of it since it was so late, so my friend, Wawa and I decided to return to the dorm first since we're being driven by a senior since Wawa's foot was injured while playing volleyball. We reached the dorm at 11.30pm. We slept at 12 o'clock. Others reached the dorm at 1.30am.
Watching movie.
On 3rd of August is the day. The official day of Architectural Kite 2008. There're an opening ceremony by the Dean and the competitions began. There're so many competitions such as Run Upih Run, Flying the 3D Kite,Creating the Kites(the kite that we created 2weeks before the day), Sand Art(Sand Castle Competition) and Tradisional Games(Congkak, Batu Seremban and Dam). There're categorizes in the Kites and Sand Competition. The Kites Competition,the prize will be given to The Most Stable Flying, The Highest Flying, The Most Bizarre Kite, The Biggest Kite,and The Best Kite(appearance). While the Sand Competition, the prize had been categorized to; The Highest Sand Sculpture, The Best Sand Sculpture, The Best Master Plan, The Best Design Sculpture(the winner chose Islamic Architecture's design) The competitions lasted for the whole day. The event was closed by a prize giving ceremony. It was ended at 5.00pm. We departed from Bagan Lalang at 6.00 pmand arrived at UiTM at 10.30pm due to some problems.
The Opening Ceremony.
The Setting.
Finalizing our kite.
The Best Master Plan.
The Best Design
Run Upih Run.
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